GOP tries for legislative supermajority
GOP and Democrat insiders agree Republicans pining for a supermajority have a mostly clear path in the Senate, but winning 66 Assembly seats is a much bigger lift.
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GOP and Democrat insiders agree Republicans pining for a supermajority have a mostly clear path in the Senate, but winning 66 Assembly seats is a much bigger lift.
Wisconsin room tax collections rebounded in 2021, as did leisure travel, from the pandemic plunge of a year earlier.
Parents urged Kiel High School to respond to racial bullying their teen faced at school. Backlash forced him to transfer — and upended life for others in town.
I learned a long time ago that we don’t live in a black-and-white world and the choices between right and wrong or good and evil are often veiled in shades of gray – no matter what the political ads say.
Wisconsin communities will take up questions about legalizing marijuana, election administration, clean water, abortion, and local levy increases on the November ballot.
In an effort to help the WNA Foundation spread the word about its second annual Wisconsin Civics Games Editorial Writing & Cartoon Contest, the Wisconsin State Journal is making its recent editorial about the competition available to WNA members.
As we approach the Oct. 24 submission deadline, we hope newspapers will consider publishing it in print and online.
Total property values in Wisconsin grew by a record 13.8% in 2022, marking the largest increase in decades of data.
I am generally an optimistic fella who sees the H2O in the vessel as half-full most days.
Unprecedented heavy rains are increasing throughout the Mississippi River basin, changing communities and posing new challenges for farmers.
Ads for lawyers offer clients representation on a contingency basis. What is a “contingency fee,” and is it a good deal for the client?