Meet Our Members
We are proud to represent more than 200 Wisconsin newspapers in the state of Wisconsin. Use our interactive map below to see all of our members. Looking for staff contact information and circulation data from WNA-member newspapers? Learn how you can purchase a copy of the WNA’s annual directory.
The WNA offers the following press credentials to its members:

Paper Press Cards
These business card-type credentials are available at no charge and are valid for the current calendar year. Need credentials? Email the WNA.
Photo ID Badges
These credentials are available for $15. High-resolution headshots should be submitted with your order. Turnaround time is typically eight business days.
“Earn Your Press Pass”
The program aims to help editors and publishers navigate the ongoing community newspaper labor shortage by providing turnkey training options for amateur and early-career journalists.
Developed by Kansas Publishing Ventures, the goal of “Earn Your Press Pass” is to provide individuals who have solid reading and writing skills and live in smaller communities with a basic journalism background. Training topics include newspaper basics, industry jargon, interviewing and reporting skills, sourcing considerations, news judgment, headline and cutline writing, AP Style, copy editing and basic photography.
WNA members interested in participating should request access by emailing WNA Executive Director Beth Bennett the name and email address of the employee you wish to sign up.
Member Map
See where our members are located on an interactive map of Wisconsin.
Member News
Read about our members’ latest promotions, anniversaries and other milestones. Have member news to submit? Send it to the WNA.
Member Archive
WNA members have access to their newspapers digital archive via a login and password provided by the WNA. Information on how to access your digital archive. Have questions or need access to your archive, contact the WNA.