The Capitol Report

This August's primary is spurring an unusual summer debate over two constitutional amendments backed by Republicans.

Democrats focus on work ahead

Wisconsin Dems at the DNC spent four days in Chicago basking in the
excitement of seeing new momentum with Kamala Harris and Tim Walz at
the top of the ticket.

This August's primary is spurring an unusual summer debate over two constitutional amendments backed by Republicans.

Race for legislative control gets serious

Insiders are watching more than a dozen fall races under new maps to see if:
Republicans can keep legislative control for another two years; or if Democrats can beat the odds and seize control of the Assembly for the first time since 2010 and set the stage for a Senate takeover two years from now.

This August's primary is spurring an unusual summer debate over two constitutional amendments backed by Republicans.

Democrats move quickly to back Harris

Days after Wisconsin Republicans united at their convention in Milwaukee behind Donald Trump, Wisconsin Democrats quickly rallied behind Vice President Kamala Harris after President Joe Biden dropped out and endorsed her.

This August's primary is spurring an unusual summer debate over two constitutional amendments backed by Republicans.

Democrats swamping GOP on airwaves but not in the polls

President Joe Biden and his Democrat allies enjoyed a more than 18-to-1 advantage in ad spending in Wisconsin over the past 18 months, even as polls have shown little movement among state voters in his race with Donald Trump, according to Ad Impact.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association