‘Reverse-coattail effect’ could boost Biden in Wisconsin
A strong African-American turnout for down-ballot races in Milwaukee might help former Vice President Joe Biden in the Wisconsin primary.
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A strong African-American turnout for down-ballot races in Milwaukee might help former Vice President Joe Biden in the Wisconsin primary.
A lack of interested and qualified candidates in rural Wisconsin is leading more than a dozen towns throughout the state to consider appointing local clerks rather than electing them.
Four solar farms recently approved by the Public Service Commission are expected to contribute up to 2% of Wisconsin’s electricity usage. But renewable energy advocates and landowners say these projects are paving the way for continued growth.
Well ahead of the Wisconsin presidential primary on April 7, President Trump and former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg have aggressively built a campaign presence on the ground here.
Officials from Wisconsin counties that were approved for a partnership with the state on new youth prisons say they won’t have their facilities up and running ahead of the July 2021 deadline mandated in state law.
Interest groups spent $16.7 million lobbying the state Capitol during the second half of 2019, a big drop from the same period two years earlier, according to a WisPolitics.com check of filings.
Gov. Tony Evers is getting some traction on his call for aid to farmers and rural Wisconsin. Evers made the call for a special session during his State of the State address in January.
A persistent backlog of commercial building permits at the Department of Safety and Professional Services has prompted the state’s construction industry and agency leadership to explore solutions to the problem.
GOP state senators up for re-election this fall in Wisconsin, on average, had almost twice as much money in the bank as their opponents.
Democratic National Convention Committee CEO Joe Solmonese told an audience of journalists in Milwaukee recently that the Democratic Party aims to correct the errors that led to President Trump’s win in 2016.