Plan to boost prison guard pay creates spike in transfer requests
More than 8% of the state’s prison guards sought transfers to get a $5-an-hour pay boost in the first eight days after a plan was proposed to address critical staff shortages.
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More than 8% of the state’s prison guards sought transfers to get a $5-an-hour pay boost in the first eight days after a plan was proposed to address critical staff shortages.
We see restaurants in the U.S. claiming they specialize in cuisines from certain regions of China. So, what’s the difference?
Of the ten states where local governments depend most on the property tax, Wisconsin’s limits appear to be the strictest.
Nettles, one of the first green plants in the spring, are a welcome sight after a long, harsh winter. Just be careful to avoid their sting.
Top strategists are divided over President Trump’s 2020 election prospects, but they agree Wisconsin is a key stop on the road to the White House.
We all get older. Yet, we have a choice of not growing older by staying young. It is not about age, but how we feel and how we think of life itself.
Wisconsin local governments rank seventh nationally among states for being the most reliant on the property tax for their revenues.
A few weeks a year, we’re trapped in the no man’s land between winter and spring. On the farm, it’s time to clean the barns and the winter feeding areas.
Three years after beating Hillary Clinton in Wisconsin’s presidential primary, Bernie Sanders has topped the wide field of Democratic candidates in the burgeoning race for donations in the state.
What makes the world’s best sushi stand out? Simple ingredients, yet when we mix that with love, passion and eager desire, will turn out magic.