Age doesn’t bring old, just stubbornness
Most things with our minds and bodies decline as we get older, but stubbornness can actually increase with age. At least, it does in my case.
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Most things with our minds and bodies decline as we get older, but stubbornness can actually increase with age. At least, it does in my case.
Despite the positive impact of the indoor smoking ban on public health, just one tribal-run casino has gone smoke-free since it was passed 10 years ago.
Shielding the names of winners would make it hard for the public and the media to figure out whether the lottery is on the up-and-up — or whether we are being bamboozled.
On May 5, we hosted a fundraising banquet at my wife’s Hope Church in Cochrane. We ended up cooking and serving 200 dinners, in a town of 420.
Statewide room tax collections have more than doubled since 1999, growing faster than inflation or state and local taxes collectively in Wisconsin.
Find your purpose and pursue it with passion. You can drift through life or set your own course. It’s okay to not know now what you’ll know later. There’s always room in life for excellence and for people who make a difference.
Download this column as a Word document See other WNA Member Content offerings Wisconsin lawmakers last year headed to Poland for a trade mission and
State budget provisions put forward by Gov. Tony Evers would limit the use of TIF funds to make cash grants to developers rather than more traditional investments in public infrastructure such as streets and sewers.
Need a good laugh? My friend Phil sent over this list of aphorisms that should do the trick. And they’ll really make you think, too.
One sign that spring has arrived is when I realize that no matter how many hours I try to squeeze into the day it just isn’t long enough to finish my work.