WNA Member Content

Larry Gallup, Your Right to Know, open records

Protect the rights of student journalists

About a year ago, Simon Mehring came home from a high school journalism conference with an idea. Mehring, now a junior at Stoughton High School, had learned about an Illinois law that protects student media from censorship. He also found out that Wisconsin doesn’t have such a law.

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Wisconsin’s Teacher Pay Predicament

Median teacher pay in Wisconsin has fallen on an inflation-adjusted basis over the last decade, with retirements and limited pay increases both playing key roles.

Farewell, Cosby sweaters

Regular and faithful readers of my meanderings will recall that my name does not come up with the mention of fashion icons.

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Getting the lead out

Since 1998, Wisconsin water utilities have replaced or taken out of service more than 73,000 lead service lines that connect to homes and businesses, reducing a potential public health risk in communities around the state.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association