Chris Hardie

Deer crash brings collateral damage

I don’t play the lottery and don’t frequent casinos, but if I were a betting man, I’d lay odds that sometime in the next few years I will be involved in a deer-vehicle collision.

The beauty of black and white

It’s always with a mixture of sadness and hope when we move past the holiday season and face the bleakness of January.

Viewing nature in backyard

I am blessed to live in the country where the solitude of the woods and the wonders of nature and animal life are literally just feet from my doorstep.

A holiday disaster averted

One might be tempted to quip something like “Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” but trust me, I have never been on that pedestal.

Procrastinator prepares just in time

I will fully admit that I am a procrastinator – if you ask me tomorrow. I agree with Mark Twain who said: “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”

Attacked by a tree terrorist

A lot of time and money has been spent in our country coming up with increased security and contingency plans for the possibility of a terrorist or cyber-attack on our electrical grid.

Turn thankfulness into gratitude

Thanksgiving has come and gone but perhaps this can be the year that we turn a day of thankfulness into a holiday season of gratitude.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association