Chris Hardie

Late season snow memories

Late season snow storms always take me back to March 24, 1979 in the tiny town of Franklin in Jackson County.

The Season of hope

In the course of my writing over the years, the topic of spring is among my most frequent musings.

Officially sick of winter

Being Wisconsin born and raised on a farm, I can honestly say that I’ve dealt with much of the worst that winter can offer. 

The road signs of spring

The classic harbingers of spring are the return of the robins, the maple sap run or the first blooms to sprout from the thawing earth.

A tale of ice

While politicians and others way above my station and pay grade continue to debate, expound upon and expunge homosapien influence on the stratosphere, one thing I know for sure. The winter weather has changed and we’re seeing way more rain and ice.

Squirrels taking their revenge

A home should be a peaceful sanctuary for its inhabitants, a quiet place of comfort and solitude. But when you live in the country, sometimes your abode is sought after by critters other than humans.

A super game day memory

So many Super Bowls have faded into my memory, but there is one Super Bowl Sunday that I will never forget.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association