Chris Hardie

The world of shrinkflation

Let’s set the record straight – I am not an economist – which the Bureau of Labor Statistics defines as “an expert who studies the relationship between a society’s resources and its production or output, using a number of different indicators, in order to predict future trends.”

Building his own bridge

Last week I wrote about the remaining covered bridges in Wisconsin but I missed one that has a story to tell.

Squashing the harvest

Did you know that the word squash comes from the Narragansett Native American word askutasquash, which means “eaten raw or uncooked?”

Milker photo brings surge of memories

One of the staple events during farm shows is the milking contest, usually pitting some local celebrity against another stripping milk from a cow’s udder.

Nothing bitter about this island tour

You can feel the history as you cross Death’s Door across the turbulent currents of Lake Michigan from the mainland tip of Door County to Washington Island.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association