Chris Hardie

What’s the deal with the dancing

Passing the age of 60 gives me the right to slip into what I believe is my curmudgeon persona, which means I can complain about certain things that I dislike or just don’t understand.

The ride of a lifetime

One experience that I will never forget was when I flew with the Navy Blue Angels in 2000. The Blue Angels are in La Crosse for this year’s air show, so I am sharing a first-person story I wrote about my 2000 flight.

Driftless Area hooks anglers

“Time to catch some fish,” Grandpa whispered. I jumped out of bed in my grandparent’s home in downtown Franklin in Jackson County.

Cover crop springs to life

The lifeblood of any farmer is the soil that provides their livelihood, so taking care of it has to be a top priority.

A strange spring indeed

One of the benefits of starting my seventh decade of life in Wisconsin is experiencing all kinds of weather and seasons – sometimes occurring on the same day.

Birds are bullies too

His name was Billy and he lived across the street from our family in the Milwaukee suburb of Hales Corners.

This tale stinks

I was outside at dawn recently getting some chores done when I was hit with one of the smells of the country – a malodorous whiff left by a mammal in the mephitidae family.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association