Wisconsin sets more referenda records to fund schools
A record number of school district referenda went before voters across Wisconsin in 2024, who responded by approving them in record numbers.
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A record number of school district referenda went before voters across Wisconsin in 2024, who responded by approving them in record numbers.
Wisconsin winters are filled with more than just fun–they’re packed with activities and events, ranging from ice fisheries to polar plunges and radar runs.
As the holiday season approaches, family lawyers often see a spike in child-related disputes.
Let’s step back a few years, to trace the beginning of high stakes school test-taking in America.
My preparations for the upcoming gun deer season took me on a walk through the woods the other day. While my purpose was to prepare my deer stand, I also needed the walk for therapeutic reasons.
Tammy Baldwin squeaked out a victory to keep her U.S. Senate seat. But political insiders say another real bright spot for Dems in Wisconsin — and maybe nationally — is what state Senate Democrats did.
Thanksgiving is almost here, and there’s much to be thankful for, especially our homegrown Wisconsin foods.
How did Donald Trump win back Wisconsin over Kamala Harris on his way to a victorious comeback?
Continuing coverage, if thoughtfully planned, goes a long way toward holding elected officials accountable. It also can enrich coverage of local public affairs, providing substantive content beyond blow-by-blow meeting reports.
Before signing any admissions contract for a nursing home, your family should visit multiple senior care facilities together, looking for a place that offers first-class providers, effective communication, engaging activities, and resident companions for your loved one.