Wisconsin bill would limit local control over animal welfare
Proponents cite a need to ‘protect our farms.’ Opponents worry the legislation will reach further — eroding environmental and health safeguards.
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Proponents cite a need to ‘protect our farms.’ Opponents worry the legislation will reach further — eroding environmental and health safeguards.
Wisconsin’s technical colleges receive high per-student funding levels compared to other public two-year colleges nationally, previous Wisconsin Policy Forum research found.
A 2018 ordinance to protect voucher recipients hasn’t stopped landlords from categorically rejecting them. County officials question whether they can enforce the provision.
Under state law, Wisconsin farmland is supposed to be assessed for taxation based on the value of what it can produce.
Every day, I hear the words “we should have done this years ago.” Estate Planning is extremely important for asset protection, ensuring your legacy, and protecting your family.
As we settle into winter and the appearance of that four-letter word that is both cherished and hated, I’d like to take a moment to thank J.W. Elliot.
The city’s past efforts to confront barriers for Black males fizzled due to a lack of coordination, metrics and resources, officials say. A new nonprofit with a trusted leader is stepping in.
After falling in 2022 to its lowest level in more than a half century, the share of Wisconsinites’ incomes that they paid in state and local taxes effectively held steady last year.
The action by the new liberal majority on the Wisconsin Supreme Court was expected.