Want to reach state industry professionals? Advertise in WNA’s Weekly Briefing today!

Download this flyer for more information about how you can support WNA’s Weekly Briefing!

How should you reach Wisconsin Newspaper Association members in the know and other news industry professionals? Advertise in the WNA’s Weekly Briefing!

The Weekly Briefing is an e-newsletter sent Monday mornings (during non-Monday holiday weeks; otherwise, it is sent Tuesday) containing WNA-related news, newspaper industry news and events, upcoming Online Media Campus offerings and updates from your newspaper friends!

Special rates for your camera-ready ad start at $200 for four weeks for a 300 px by 250 px ad. Or run the same size ad for 13 weeks for $585 (a 10% discount); $1,040 for 26 weeks (a 20% discount) or $1,820 for an entire year (52 weeks), which represents a 30% discount.

The best part? Resting assured that placing your ads in the WNA Weekly Briefing supports your Wisconsin Newspaper Association’s education and advocacy efforts for the newspaper industry in Wisconsin!

Ready to advertise? Download the Weekly Briefing ad flyer here and contact WNA Digital Content and Communications Editor Chris Mertes via email at Chris.Mertes@wnanews.com today!

Wisconsin Newspaper Association