Media considered essential under ‘Safer at Home’ order

Updated (March 24, 2020) –

A 30-day “Safer at Home” order issued this morning by Department of Health Services Secretary-designee Andrea Palm at the direction of Gov. Tony Evers maintains that media organizations are essential businesses.

The order, which classifies “newspapers, television, radio and other media services” as essential, directs all Wisconsin residents to stay at home and exercise social distancing when performing essential duties or activities, such as obtaining medical supplies or groceries.

It instructs all essential businesses and organizations, including media, to use technology to the greatest extent possible to “avoid meeting in person, including virtual meetings, teleconference, and remote work (i.e., work from home).” They also are instructed to meet social distancing requirements — keeping at least six feet apart from others and avoiding direct physical contact — “between all individuals on the premises to the extent possible.”

» Read order

Updated (March 23, 2020) –

Gov. Tony Evers this morning announced that he plans to issue a “Safer at Home” order Tuesday in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

On Friday, March 20, an emergency order was issued that included language exempting media and news organizations from restrictions imposed during the pandemic. This exemption is not expected to change with the issuing of tomorrow’s order. 

As Wisconsin prepares to operate under these enhanced restrictions, the WNA has provided a template letter to law enforcement that can be personalized and carried by journalists working in the field and other employees who will need to leave their homes to complete newspaper-related duties. Employees are not required to carry such a letter, but it is being provided as a suggested best practice during these uniquely challenging times. Additionally, if you do not have photo ID cards and would like to order some, you can place an order here.

Guidance provided by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) indicates that the print manufacturing community also is an essential business and will be allowed to continue production.

Original (March 20, 2020) –

Gov. Tony Evers today directed Department of Health Services Secretary-designee Andrea Palm to issue updates to the previous order prohibiting mass gatherings of 10 or more people.

The updated order maintains the ban on gatherings of 10 or more people and indefinite school closures, but includes changes and clarifications, including a provision that “media and news organizations can remain open to provide the public with vital information.”

The Wisconsin Newspaper Association reached out to the governor’s office earlier this week to emphasize the importance of the news media being classified as an “essential business” during any orders from the state to reduce contact between members of the public in an effort to mitigate the virus.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association