NAHJ chapter introduces itself to Wisconsin newsrooms

The Wisconsin Chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Journalists recently issued a formal introduction to newsrooms across the state in conjunction with Hispanic Heritage Month, which runs Sept. 15 to Oct. 15.

NAHJ Wisconsin was established earlier this year out of a desire to address underrepresentation of the Latino community in news coverage and personnel. In its introduction letter, NAHJ Wisconsin says it believes “Latinos in Wisconsin deserve to see themselves represented in the news media and see accurate coverage of their community.”

The letter asks for help in this effort from Wisconsin newsrooms. Among its requests are that newsrooms be intentional about hiring Latino journalists and support the talent already within those newsrooms.

Additionally, NAHJ Wisconsin asks newsrooms to broaden their coverage of the Latino community beyond festivals, food and immigration status, noting this burden should not fall solely on the Latinos within the newsroom and that it is “incumbent upon the entire newsroom to tell Latino stories.”

Those interested in joining can get started by filling out this form on the NAHJ Wisconsin website.

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Wisconsin Newspaper Association