Google community mobility reports shed light on social distancing

Data recently released by Google sheds light on how well certain communities are adhering to social distancing measures. 

The company’s  COVID-19 Community Mobility Reports — calculated using the same type of aggregated, anonymized data used to show popular times for places in Google Maps — show how movement trends on a national, statewide and countywide level have changed in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Google says the release of information aims to help public health officials manage their response to the ongoing public health crisis.

The most recent report released Thursday shows that Wisconsinites are on par with national averages, with the exception of a 124% increase to parks, seeming to coincide with Gov. Tony Evers’ decision to close all state parks and recreation areas.

Mobility TrendWisconsinNationwide
Retail & recreation spots-47%-49%
Groceries & pharmacies-18%-20%
Transit stations-40%-54%
COVID-19 Google Community Mobility Report for Wisconsin from Feb. 23 to April 5

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