Report: Superintendent took 6 months to confront Little Chute teacher accused of sexual assault

When a former student accused a Little Chute teacher of sexual assault in 2009, it took nearly six months for Superintendent David Botz months to confront him, according to a report USA TODAY NETWORK-Wisconsin obtained through an open records request. Botz never contacted police or child protective services about the student’s report, the network’s Alison Dirr reported. He told the school board that because the student was an adult when she came forward, he didn’t believe he was required under the mandatory reporter statute to make such a report.

Assembly challengers bring in more money than incumbents

Fourteen major-party challengers vying for a spot in the Wisconsin State Assembly outraised their incumbent opponents over the first six months of the year, a check of campaign finance reports found. 

Milwaukee Press Club announces 2018 Media Hall of Fame honorees

The Milwaukee Press Club announced Monday the journalists who will be inducted into the club’s Media Hall of Fame on Friday, Oct. 26, 2018. Of the eight inductees, four worked at Milwaukee newspapers. They include Elizabeth (Betsy) Brenner, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; Marilyn Krause, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel; Stuart Wilk, Milwaukee Sentinel & Dallas Morning News; and Nathan Conyers, (deceased), Milwaukee Times.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association