The Wisconsin Newspaper Association offers several membership opportunities to both newspapers and related industry businesses. By becoming a member, you and your business will have access to educational opportunities, legal resources, legislative advocacy and more. WNA membership requirements, benefits and dues are determined by the WNA Board of Directors.

For more information on membership levels, contact WNA Director of Membership & Communications Julia Hunter.

Business Member

Any individual, partnership, corporation, or other form of enterprise engaged in newspaper publishing in Wisconsin may become a Business Member.

Qualification Standards:

  • Approval of the WNA Board
  • Published at least weekly in the state of Wisconsin for at least one year prior to the date of approval;
  • Shall upload digital copies of each page of each edition of its newspaper to the newspaper archive maintained by the WNA*
  • Have a bona fide paid circulation to actual subscribers equivalent to at least 50% plus one of its distribution;
  • Shall devote at least 25% of its content to news and editorial matter.
  • Shall be a newspaper of general character and interest, as contrasted with publications issued to supply information on certain subjects of special interest to particular groups.
  • If there is not a newspaper that satisfies the bona fide paid circulation requirement in a city, village or town, a newspaper that satisfies all of the other criteria established by this section may qualify for membership under this section.
  • Newspapers already belonging to the Wisconsin Newspaper Association as Business Members and in good standing, shall maintain such membership status in the event the newspaper transitions to an online-only news Web site. These newspapers shall not be eligible for Associate Business Membership.

*Assistance will be provided by the WNA for newspapers lacking the technology to upload digital pages.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Voting privileges
  • Full legislative representation
  • Access to convention and meetings
  • Central office services and meetings
  • Advertising representation
  • Participation in statewide advertising networks (classified and display)
  • WNA newsletters, directory
  • Legal Hotline
  • Participation in the WNA Foundation Better Newspaper Contest

To establish first-year dues:

Base Fees:Weeklies: $100
Dailies: $300 (under 10,000 circulation); $500 (circulation over 10,000)
Per copy charge:No charge for papers under 1,000
$.08 per copy for papers over 1,000

Changes to subsequent annual dues are determined by the WNA Board of Directors.


Associate Business Member

Any individual, partnership, corporation or other enterprise allied to or with an interest in the newspaper publishing industry or other form of enterprise engaged in publishing a newspaper including trade journals, free newspapers or an online-only news website is eligible to become an Associate Business Member.

Qualification Standards:

  • Approval of the WNA Board
  • Published regularly and consecutively for one year prior to applying;
  • Print publications must contain 25% news at least 50% of the time and be published at least once a month.
  • Online-only news websites must contain 25% news at least 50% of the time and be published at least once a week.
  • This membership is open to out of state publishers.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Full legislative representation
  • Access to convention and meetings
  • Central office services and meetings
  • Advertising representation
  • Participation in statewide advertising networks (classified and display)
  • WNA newsletters, directory
  • Legal Hotline

To establish first-year dues:

Base Fees:Weeklies: $200
Dailies: $400 (under 10,000 circulation); $800 (circulation over 10,000)

Online-only news Web site: $400.

Changes to subsequent annual dues are determined by the WNA Board of Directors.


Associate Non-publishing Member

Any individual, partnership, corporation or other enterprise allied to or with an interest in the newspaper publishing industry. This membership is open to out-of-state entities.

Qualification Standards:

  • Approval of the WNA Board
  • This membership is open to in-state and out-of-state parties interested in networking with the Wisconsin newspaper industry.

Benefits of Membership:

  • Access to convention and meetings
  • Central office services and meetings
  • WNA newsletters, directory

To establish first-year dues:

Base Fees:$200


Individual Member

Any person not actively engaged in the publishing industry but who has formerly been so engaged or who is interested in the welfare of the publishing industry in the state of Wisconsin may become an Individual Affiliate Member upon written application, subject to the approval of the Board of Directors, and upon payment of membership dues as determined by the Board of Directors.

Benefits of Membership:

  • WNA newsletters, directory
  • Access to convention and meetings
  • Central office services and meetings



Honorary Member

Honorary Membership may be awarded to newspaper men and women and other people who have performed distinguished service for the press or for the Wisconsin Newspaper Association.  The Board of Directors shall grant Honorary Membership, the highest recognition of the distinguished service the Wisconsin Newspaper Association can confer.

Qualification Standards:

  • Approval by WNA Board

Benefits of Membership:

  • Registration fee waived at conventions and meetings
  • WNA newsletters, directory access

No dues required


Emeritus Member

Emeritus Membership shall be awarded to any publisher or executive employee who has been the representative of a Business Member newspaper in WNA and who:

(1)  Has retired from active full-time employment in the newspaper industry, and
(2) Emeritus Members are not required to pay dues. Other special benefits of Emeritus Membership may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.

Qualification Standards:

  • Approval of WNA Board

Benefits of Membership:

  • Registration fee waived at conventions and meetings
  • WNA newsletters, directory access

No dues required


Campus Newspaper

Papers shall be at UW System, private college and Technical College campuses; Papers shall be regularly published and officially linked to relevant academic programs and/or be registered student organizations; Papers shall be encouraged to participate in the WNA internship program; Papers shall receive the benefits of members and may participate as such in WNA annual meetings, training and other programs, some of which may be tailored to campus paper needs.

Qualification Standards:

  • Approval by WNA Board

Benefits of Membership:

  • Access to convention and meetings
  • Central office services and meetings
  • WNA newsletters, directory
  • Legal Hotline
  • Participation in the College Newspaper Contest

No dues required


Wisconsin Newspaper Association