Webinar: Use your best content to increase subscribers

Date: Feb. 5, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am
Location: Local Media Association

There’s always room to increase your newsletter, app and subscription sign-ups — and what if we told you that you already have everything you need? You can build a robust — even paying — audience by looking no further than your own newsroom. “Content is King,” and we’ll show you how to take your best-performing stories to grow your audience. Stop wasting marketing dollars on basic marketing messages, and start using your content to drive the results your wants.

Join Social News Desk’s Apryl Pilolli to walk through how to “Promote Your Content First,” and learn all the best ways to market your newsletter/app/website and subscription services. The information Pilolli will share makes coveted sign-ups 30 times more likely to happen! 

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Wisconsin Newspaper Association