Webinar: Trust in truth

Date: Nov. 3, 2022
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In This Webinar:

Consistent national polls show low trust in what we hear in our media, but the level of mistrust does not always carry over into local news organizations. This session explores what that can mean when maintaining trust in our local newspapers and how to explain that when monetizing our efforts.

• A public hungry for the truth looks to news organizations to find it and tell it.
• We can be leaders in telling the truth about important community matters.
• We should tell people that in our news efforts and when we market those efforts.

About the Presenter:

Lyle Muller is the Iowa editor for PolitiFact and professional adviser for Grinnell College’s student-run Scarlet & Black newspaper. A long-time Iowa news veteran, his previous work includes serving in various roles that included executive editor at The Gazette (Cedar Rapids, IA); executive director and editor of the Iowa Center for Public Affairs Journalism; and politics reporting coach at The Daily Iowan. His reporting has been published in several newspapers and websites at the local, state, regional and national level.


Wisconsin Newspaper Association