Webinar: New data to drive post-COVID sales conversations with advertisers

Date: Jun. 30, 2020
Time: 12:00 am - 12:00 am

Pulse Research has released a new COVID-19 shopping survey covering all 50 states. The findings will help you help customers to successfully emerge from the pandemic.

Come to this webinar to see what categories are ready to explode with growth. Ad sales coach Ryan Dohrn and data expert and recovering sales guy Sammy Papert will provide a glimpse into the comprehensive results with ideas and suggestions focused on the most opportunity in the coming three months.

Each webinar attendee will receive their most relevant survey report and a recommendation guide of how to use it. In addition, you will receive complimentary access to the Pulse Sales Tools. Ryan and Sammy have worked with over 500 local media companies — they’ll share multiple tried and true and must do now strategies to help you right now.

Don’t miss this session!

» Register here

Wisconsin Newspaper Association