Webinar: Boost Your Brand Trust and SEO with Author Profiles

Date: Apr. 18, 2024
Time: 1:00 pm

About the webinar:

In today’s digital landscape, establishing your website and content as reliable, trustworthy sources of information is paramount. In steps SEO authorship – a powerful strategy that connects your content with its creators, boosting your search engine rankings and cementing your brand’s authority.

At Our-Hometown, they understand the vital role authorship plays in online success. That’s why they have developed robust author profile pages like this one on a customer website. Let’s dive into the SEO advantages and how these pages establish your business as an industry leader.

There are two sides of author profiles: 1) SEO Boost, increases authority and expertise. 2) improved reader experience by linking to other articles by the author.

Key SEO Benefits of Author Profile Pages:

  • Improved E-E-A-T
  • Enhanced Visibility
  • Author Rank
  • Establishing Thought Leadership

*Targeted at editors, publishers and anyone creating digital content*

About the presenter: 

Matt Larson is the president & CEO of Our-Hometown.com and has proudly served the newspaper industry for 12 years. His company provides a WordPress-based platform that has been customized for newspapers to help them monetize their content online. Their mission is to help community newspapers develop digital business models with tools for better storytelling and more efficient local news production. Larson leads a monthly virtual conference series, where he interviews newspaper publishers from all over the country on how they are utilizing digital to grow their audience. He is also the publisher of “Today in News Tech,” a weekly blog and video/audio podcast series, which discusses tech tips, marketing strategy and industry news.


Wisconsin Newspaper Association