Your Right to Know

Democracy depends on open government

Those in power rarely give it up willingly. What’s needed is a loud and unified public demanding that lawmakers’ records be kept safe and available upon request.

Scrutinize candidates on openness

In Wisconsin’s fall elections, fidelity to open government has come up in several races, for governor, attorney general and U.S. Senate.

Finalists’ names should be made public

The bottom line is that the finalists law exists for a reason: the public interest in key hiring decisions. Yet it’s a law that is routinely disregarded. The public deserves better.

Let the sunshine in!

Taken together, these cases provide a disturbing reminder that the public’s right to know is under constant attack—and that defending it requires constant vigilance.

Citizens have a right to electronic records

If you want records in electronic form, ask for them that way. And that’s how responsible officials will provide them – with or without the intervention of the courts.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association