The Capitol Report

capitol report, wispolitics

Get to know Wisconsin’s newest lawmakers

With lawmakers retiring, resigning or losing reelection, the Wisconsin State Assembly will see 16 new members while eight new members will serve in the state Senate in the coming two-year session that starts in January.

capitol report, wispolitics

Election 2020 sets records, gives mixed results

The dust hasn’t quite settled on Election Day 2020. But it can be said that this unique election likely will be remembered as a record high-turnout affair (at least by one measure) with record absentee ballots and record spending that resulted in Wisconsin reverting to its blue tilt during presidential years.

capitol report, wispolitics

Over $1.1 billion on the ballot in Wisconsin school referendums

Wisconsinites this November will be deciding on more than $1.1 billion in K-12 school referendums across the state, a total that, when combined with ballot measures in April, puts more school money on the ballot this year than any other single year this century.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association