The Capitol Report

capitol report, wispolitics

UW tuition freeze may be ending after 8 years

The University of Wisconsin tuition freeze that’s been in place for the past eight years would expire under a Republican motion the Joint Finance Committee approved in late May.

capitol report, wispolitics

Wisconsin officials bullish on summer tourism outlook

Acting Tourism Secretary Anne Sayers says the Joint Finance Committee’s vote to continue a $1.5 million addition to the Department of Tourism’s base budget will help Wisconsin remain competitive with other Midwestern states.

capitol report, wispolitics

State budget drama presents dilemmas for major players

Every budget starts with a little drama. When will they finish it? Will they even get it done? But as the Joint Finance Committee prepares to dive into the details of Gov. Tony Evers’ 2021-23 budget, there’s an extra layer of intrigue — thanks to the dysfunction that has gripped the Capitol during what seems like a perpetual standoff between Evers and GOP legislative leaders.

capitol report, wispolitics

Evers’ budget plan big on climate change measures

Gov. Tony Evers’ budget includes some three dozen recommendations from his Climate Change Task Force, including tens of millions in new investments in green jobs, conservation efforts and renewable energy.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association