WNA Member Content

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In 2021 city budget, Madison finds stability amid pandemic’s tumult

Despite the turmoil of a global pandemic, the city of Madison’s proposed budget maintains core services in 2021 with the smallest property tax increase in nearly two decades — a feat accomplished in part through one-time measures that could narrow options for future budgets.

capitol report, wispolitics

Election 2020 sets records, gives mixed results

The dust hasn’t quite settled on Election Day 2020. But it can be said that this unique election likely will be remembered as a record high-turnout affair (at least by one measure) with record absentee ballots and record spending that resulted in Wisconsin reverting to its blue tilt during presidential years.

garden, propagation, plants

We embark on propagation campaigns

Asexual plant propagation involves taking one part of a parent plant and causing it to regenerate itself into a new plant. We can do it through cuttings, layering, division, budding and grafting.

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In Jefferson County, a look at how service sharing might help communities

As many local officials across Wisconsin face tight 2021 budgets in the wake of COVID-19, consolidation or enhanced service sharing with neighboring municipalities may offer an opportunity to spread the cost of certain services across multiple jurisdictions, while increasing efficiency and improving service levels in the long term.

covid, virus

Your Right to Know: DOC should be more open about COVID-19

In the latest Your Right to Know column for November 2020, Gretchen Schuldt of the Wisconsin Justice Initiative writes about the Department of Corrections’ lack of transparency over COVID-19 cases in Wisconsin prisons.

The column is available for publication by WNA members.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association