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Wisconsin outpaces most states in recent Dam failures

As extreme rain events have become more frequent in the 21st century, Wisconsin ranks second nationally in the number of documented dam failures since 2000, with most of them occurring in just the last few years. 

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Behind the politics of ‘Do Not Call’

By this point in the fall, you’re probably overwhelmed by campaign calls and text messages on your cell phone. You’re sure you signed up for both the federal and Wisconsin Do Not Call registries. So, why are you still getting these messages?

Spring blooms in October

Lilac bloom time is one of my favorite parts of spring, so my senses were sent catawampus when I inhaled their fragrance last week. The nasal insufflation took me back to May when it was October.

This August's primary is spurring an unusual summer debate over two constitutional amendments backed by Republicans.

RFK Jr. stays on the ballot

For insiders it was a foregone conclusion that Robert F. Kennedy’s name would stay on the Wisconsin presidential ballot after the state Supreme Court rushed to take the case then slow-walked a decision as absentee ballots were being mailed.

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The Ultimate Guide to Gameday

It’s no secret that football is a huge part of Wisconsinites’ lives – Football is woven into Wisconsin life! From Packer parties with friends and family to mouth-watering food and tailgate traditions, we’re here to walk you through how to make every moment of this football season unforgettable.

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