WNA Member Content

covid, vaccine, vaccine mandates

Poll shows support for workplace vaccine mandates

Polco users and readers visiting WNA member websites from Sept. 8 to 21 were asked whether they supported employers requiring workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19. Out of 645 verified respondents**, 61% said they support vaccine requirements at work, while 30% said employees should make their own health decisions.

capitol report, wispolitics

Gableman defends elections probe in video

The taxpayer-funded elections probe led by former conservative state Supreme Court Justice Michael Gableman has been under fire for weeks. Now Gableman is defending the probe via video.

cinnamon, shetland pony

Warm fall day sparks memories of cinnamon

Memories are strange things at times because you never know what triggers recollections from the aging gray matter. Recently, the warm weather triggered decades-old memories of a Shetland pony named Cinnamon.

Wisconsin Policy Forum logo

Alcohol tax revenues surge during pandemic

State excise tax revenues from the sale of alcoholic beverages rose nearly 17% in the 2021 fiscal year, an annual increase that tops any seen in nearly five decades in Wisconsin.

summer end, fall colors

The sudden signs of summer’s end

And suddenly, summer is over. Another summer that began with such high hopes that we had turned the corner on the pandemic is fading just as we face another spike in COVID-19 cases.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association