The challenge of navigating Scottish roadways
Statistically speaking, the roads in Scotland are much safer than in Wisconsin. But it didn’t quite feel that way for Chris Hardie and his wife during a recent trip abroad.
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Statistically speaking, the roads in Scotland are much safer than in Wisconsin. But it didn’t quite feel that way for Chris Hardie and his wife during a recent trip abroad.
Asked if he would consider someone for the post who believes the last presidential election was fraudulent, Vos said he wants his new appointee to concentrate on a “fair election in 2022” who’s not going to “focus on 2020 and backward.”
Cameras in the courtroom can be helpful in promoting trust and confidence in the judicial process, writes Dan Shelley of Radio Television Digital News Association in the most recent “Your Right to Know” column from the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council. The column, which aims to promote open government, is available for republication.
Some of your most important life goals may focus on your family and money, including saving enough money for your children’s college and for your own retirement.
Tight constraints on state and local revenue paired with an unprecedented stream of federal aid have created a fiscal paradox for Wisconsin’s two largest school districts — bolstering their near-term finances while leaving the future deeply uncertain.
Republican primaries in August will decide the GOP nominees for governor and attorney general.
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. As a judge, I see first-hand how mental issues can negatively impact an individual’s life if they don’t get the support they need. Lawyers are no different. Sometimes lawyers need help, and healthy lawyers are better lawyers.
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Weekly Fiscal Facts are provided to Wisconsin Newspaper Association members by the Wisconsin Policy Forum, the state’s leading resource for nonpartisan state and local government research
As Outagamie County district attorney, Biskupic let potential defendants buy their way out of trouble. As a judge, he offered deals that fell in a ‘gray area’ of the law.