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The astounding state surplus

The upcoming state budget cycle starting in July is on track to continue a recent trend of ever-larger state budget surpluses, creating an unprecedented opportunity to boost government services with additional spending, reduce taxes, or both.

Attacked by a tree terrorist

A lot of time and money has been spent in our country coming up with increased security and contingency plans for the possibility of a terrorist or cyber-attack on our electrical grid.

Prehn records fight seeks accountability

Dr. Frederick Prehn — who continues to occupy a seat on the Natural Resources Board more than a year and a half after the expiration of his term — recently failed to turn over dozens of text messages related to his refusal to step down, writes attorney Adam Voskuil in December's "Your Right to Know" column from the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council.

In his column, Voskuil, who works for the public interest firm Midwest Environmental Advocates, calls for the judge to send a strong message that officials who violate the open records law when he issues a final ruling in the case.

Wisconsin Policy Forum logo

Local debt on the rise

Local government debt in Wisconsin hit record levels in 2020, driven by low-interest rates, infrastructure needs, and a little-known incentive in state law.

Turn thankfulness into gratitude

Thanksgiving has come and gone but perhaps this can be the year that we turn a day of thankfulness into a holiday season of gratitude.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association