WNA Member Content

Finding toys in the attic

I have a confession to make that will not shock long time readers of this column or anyone who knows me.

Beth Bennett

Bill to fix records problem deserves support

A unanimous voice vote by the Wisconsin Senate on a piece of legislation is a rare occurrence. But that’s what happened on April 19, when state senators approved a bill to undo a decision by the Wisconsin Supreme Court regarding public records.

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Low pay for public attorneys a growing concern as backlogs rise

While recent state budgets have increased staffing levels and pay for both assistant district attorneys and public defenders in Wisconsin, their salaries still lag those of attorneys in the private sector. Meanwhile, turnover and workloads for the positions have increased.

This August's primary is spurring an unusual summer debate over two constitutional amendments backed by Republicans.

Wisconsin, national experts predict recession

A lot of the economic stats are very, very good. Record low unemployment. Unprecedented state budget surplus. Resilient consumer spending. Easing of pandemic-era shortages, inflation, housing speculation and high gasoline prices.

A surprise spring lesson

I’m putting the blame squarely on Mother Nature’s shoulders, but it’s happening again this year, despite my best efforts to prevent it. 

Wisconsin Newspaper Association