Slowed Local Taxes Drive Decline in State’s Tax Burden
The state-local tax burden relative to personal income has declined steadily in recent years, from a high of 11.9% in 2011 to 10.7% in 2017. This figure excludes federal taxes.
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The state-local tax burden relative to personal income has declined steadily in recent years, from a high of 11.9% in 2011 to 10.7% in 2017. This figure excludes federal taxes.
A week after Republicans in the state Legislature voted to gut the public records law in 2015, members of the Assembly sought to quell backlash over the plan.
Of the 12 school districts that fulfilled our request without charging a fee, six of them (Appleton, Green Bay, Janesville, Racine, Waukesha and West Allis-West Milwaukee) reported response times, on average, of 10 business days or fewer.
Good government is the business of every citizen. What we do can make a difference.
As annual enrollment for Obamacare insurance approaches on November 1, the law itself and the people who have come to depend on it for health coverage are both facing an uncertain future.
The nonprofit group I belong to is called the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council. Our mission is to protect and expand access to public records.