Life is short. Time for another round of jokes
It is time for some fun stuff again. I don’t know what it is, but every time I blink, another week has passed me by. Am I getting old, or life is just too good?
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It is time for some fun stuff again. I don’t know what it is, but every time I blink, another week has passed me by. Am I getting old, or life is just too good?
Often, when Wisconsin lawmakers and the governor talk about “the budget,” they are really referring to the general fund budget.
Fans of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources are hoping for better times under a new governor.
It is mind-boggling — just how many stars are twinkling out there? And how many of them are looking back at us with a smile?
Wisconsin’s state budget encompasses two fiscal years, or a biennium, such as from 2017-19 (the current budget) or 2019-21 (the next one).
Assembly Speaker Robin Vos is warning the Evers administration against believing they can “bludgeon the Legislature” to accept some of their budget priorities.
No, eating Chinese food won’t give you a headache, but the MSG added to the food might. A lot of folks are sensitive to MSG, the author included.
Since 1977, three of the four latest dates for enactment of Wisconsin’s state budget came during periods of divided government.
The lobbying reports show Kimberly-Clark spent $131,107 to lobby the Capitol between July 1 and Dec. 31, a significant uptick in activity for the manufacturer.
So, how much does it cost to produce a bottle of wine? The answer comes down to the volume of wine produced. The more you produce, the less it costs.