Learning to live and let live
After a customer service battle with a local phone company, I’ll stick with my wife’s advice “Learn to live and let live, that’s what life is all about.”
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After a customer service battle with a local phone company, I’ll stick with my wife’s advice “Learn to live and let live, that’s what life is all about.”
In the 2018-19 school year, over 350 of Wisconsin’s 421 school districts reported serving at least one English Learner (EL).
The Supreme Court race headlines the upcoming April 2 election, but several measures down ballot could spark interest and juice turnout.
Whether you’re already a fan of artichokes or you’ve been afraid to try them, here’s what you need to know about cooking and eating them.
Once the governor’s budget bill is introduced in the Legislature, it goes to a single legislative committee, the Joint Committee on Finance for action.
Gov. Tony Evers’ budget that would allow districts to rehire retired teachers, who could continue to collect their pensions while earning a new salary.
I don’t remember when I became a senior citizen, but I kind of enjoy the status. I enjoyed the benefits long before I began to collect Social Security.
In addition to state general purpose revenues, two more important elements of Wisconsin’s state budget are federal revenue and segregated funds.
A WisPolitics.com review found fundamental differences remain between Gov. Tony Evers and Republican leaders on a number of items.
As part of Sunshine Week, an annual celebration of open government that runs from March 10-16, the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council is bestowing its 13th annual Openness Awards, or Opees.