GOP legislators rack up $1.5M in legal bills in five months
Republican legislators in Wisconsin racked up $1.5 million in legal bills over the first five months of the year as they relied on outside counsel to represent them in lawsuits.
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Republican legislators in Wisconsin racked up $1.5 million in legal bills over the first five months of the year as they relied on outside counsel to represent them in lawsuits.
Gov. Tony Evers’ 2019-21 proposal shows his state budget priorities include spending on public schools, prisons, and the University of Wisconsin System.
There is a bond between humans and their pets that is beyond words to describe, but not having grown up with a pet, I guess it will take me a while to understand all that.
Phenology, the study of the timing of biological events in plants and animals in relation to change in season and climate, is a familiar concept for most farmers.
Supreme Court candidate Jill Karofsky says the biggest mistake of her 27-career judicial career was bringing an obstruction charge against Patty Murphy.
Sales is not about what you have, but instead, listening to the customers and selling them what they want. Strange concept, but it worked for me.
Although lawmakers removed Gov. Evers’ proposals from the state budget, the debate over the state’s marijuana laws remains relevant and timely.
Most things with our minds and bodies decline as we get older, but stubbornness can actually increase with age. At least, it does in my case.
Despite the positive impact of the indoor smoking ban on public health, just one tribal-run casino has gone smoke-free since it was passed 10 years ago.
Shielding the names of winners would make it hard for the public and the media to figure out whether the lottery is on the up-and-up — or whether we are being bamboozled.