WNA Member Content

Groups spend $17.8M lobbying during first half of 2019

Groups spent $17.8 million lobbying in Wisconsin during the first six months of 2019, a dip from the previous budget cycle as divided government returned to the Capitol for the first time in more than a decade.

The art of slow eating

Do you remember the last time your family ate together, with no interruptions from phone calls or text messages? We have forgotten the art of slow eating

Justice Shirley Abrahamson let the sunshine in

As Justice Shirley Abrahamson ends her tenure on the Wisconsin Supreme Court, she leaves a rich legacy of legal scholarship, importantly including her support for government transparency.

What happened in 1895?

A friend sent me a calendar from 1895 awhile back. When I noticed the dates were identical to 2019, it got me thinking about what happened 124 years ago.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association