What we can learn from a restaurant with no name
I first encountered KFC when I came here to the states 40-plus years ago. We have fried chicken in Asia, but it is totally different here.
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I first encountered KFC when I came here to the states 40-plus years ago. We have fried chicken in Asia, but it is totally different here.
In Wisconsin, no records request may be refused because the person making the request is unwilling to be identified or to state the purpose of the request.
Taxes paid by Wisconsinites as a share of personal income have fallen in the last two decades by more than two percentage points, one of the largest decreases of any state.
Wisconsin state budget reserves recently hit their highest level in four decades, as corporate tax collections grew at their fastest rate in over 50 years.
A recent Marquette University Law School Poll is stirring attention and comment in national circles regarding slipping support for impeachment in Wisconsin.
All of this early and extended appearance by winter is putting even more pressure to build the woodpile for what’s shaping up to be a very long and extended heating season.
As the evenings get colder, it’s time to share six stories that can warm your heart. And if that doesn’t do the trick, try my turkey curry soup recipe at the bottom.
Good luck and safe hunting to everyone in the woods this year. I’ll never forget the time, during my third hunting season, when I got my first buck.
Wisconsin Tourism Secretary Sarah Meaney rejected the charge she is politicizing the department, telling WisPolitics.com in mid-November she is driven by data, not politics.
Last week, we went over the basic ingredients to keep in your kitchen. This week, we’re making steamed rice, and Cantonese beef and broccoli.