Wisconsin public libraries find new roles in digital age
Wisconsinites are visiting public libraries about as often as they did two decades ago, but the digital revolution has changed how they use libraries.
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Wisconsinites are visiting public libraries about as often as they did two decades ago, but the digital revolution has changed how they use libraries.
My wife and I love living in the Northwoods. But, there is a price to pay to become a “local.” And that price involves deer and the front of your car.
A new poll question from Polco about voter registration in Wisconsin is now available to be used by WNA members on their websites, social platforms and newsletters. Results from our previous poll question also are available.
When asked about their 2020 election voting plans, nearly all of the 219 respondents said they planned to vote in the spring and fall general elections.
ACT scores released last fall show the share of Wisconsin high school juniors meeting college readiness benchmarks in 2018-19 was largely down or flat from the previous year.
A recent thermometer purchase by Chris Hardie proved “you get what you pay for” when he found it only goes down to 0 degrees, hardly practical in Wisconsin.
Interest groups spent $16.7 million lobbying the state Capitol during the second half of 2019, a big drop from the same period two years earlier, according to a WisPolitics.com check of filings.
When I moved here a decade ago, I learned to love Wisconsin food. What’s not to like about beer, brats and Friday night fish fry?
Snow, tight spots and a truck offer an excellent reminder of why it’s always helpful to measure distances precisely rather than just estimating.
Gov. Tony Evers is getting some traction on his call for aid to farmers and rural Wisconsin. Evers made the call for a special session during his State of the State address in January.