WNA Member Content

Peter Kwong

Do you hear the people sing?

Recently I had the opportunity to watch the 25th-anniversary celebration of “Les Miserables” on YouTube. I am still mesmerized by the whole production — the acting, the singing, the storyline, the setting and all the songs. Not only is the melody noteworthy and easy on the ears but also the lyrics are so potent and prevailing.

Wisconsin Policy Forum logo

State’s share of public spending rises

In a gradual but far-reaching shift, the state government in recent years has accounted for a much larger share of public spending in Wisconsin than a quarter-century ago, increasing from 38.7% in 1993 to 47.6% in 2017, according to U.S. Census Bureau data.

Peter Kwong

The joy and power of singing

One time while performing with my wife, our song truly touched an elderly man’s heart. And my dear friend, that’s the power and the magic of singing.

newspapers, local journalism

Local journalism needs a new ‘Sustainability Act’

An editorial by the Vilas County News Review (which is available for republication by WNA members) asks the entire Wisconsin delegation to co-sponsor the Local Journalism Sustainability Act.

“Never has America’s free press been more threatened by economic insolvency, a development that could eliminate the work of local journalists who provide in-depth perspectives that inform their readership regarding important current events,” the editorial board writes.

food, pigs, meat

Choosing more local foods

One silver lining in the COVID-19 pandemic storm cloud that caused massive disruptions to the nation’s meat supply is the awareness it created about where our food comes from.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association