WNA Member Content

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Wisconsin school referendum results rise above economy, politics

Despite the highest unemployment rate on record this year and hundreds of school buildings empty since March, Wisconsin voters approved school referendums this month at near-record rates. The results speak particularly loudly given that they happened in a high-turnout election and in communities carried by both presidential candidates.


Memories keep Dad’s hunt alive

My 45th hunting season this year will be sad because my hunting partner and mentor is gone. The woods will seem empty. But Dad will be there nevertheless. Because his memories and stories remain.

Peter Kwong

The prodigal bird returns

I always believe in miracles, but to get our prodigal bird back safe and sound, and after spending three days in the impossible wilderness, is more than just a miracle.

polco, coronavirus, voter registration, presidential debates, covid-19

Poll: What are your pandemic holiday plans?

A new poll question about readers’ holiday plans amid the coronavirus pandemic is now available to be used by WNA members.

Poll questions are available through a WNA partnership with Polco aimed at helping newspapers better engage readers and access enhanced data and insights.

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In 2021 city budget, Madison finds stability amid pandemic’s tumult

Despite the turmoil of a global pandemic, the city of Madison’s proposed budget maintains core services in 2021 with the smallest property tax increase in nearly two decades — a feat accomplished in part through one-time measures that could narrow options for future budgets.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association