Fiscal Facts

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School tax levy increases continue for coming year

Amid a pandemic and global recession, school districts are increasing property taxes for the coming year by 3.3% — lower than last year’s 4.5% but still the second-highest percentage since 2010.

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State may face toughest budget challenge since 2011

Next year, Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers and newly elected lawmakers likely will confront the state’s toughest budget challenge since 2011, Wisconsin Policy Forum reports in the latest installment of Fiscal Facts.

This difficult budget scenario, amid elevated unemployment, slowing state tax collections, and increased demand for social services created by the ongoing pandemic, projects general fund spending to exceed revenues by $373.1 million in the two-year budget running from July 2021 to June 2023 — a difference equal to about 1% of spending over the two years. However, that shortfall could grow considerably if the governor and lawmakers provide additional funds for other programs.

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Tuning in to video fees

While consumers may be binge-watching video more than ever in a time of social distancing, new data shows cable television revenues falling in Wisconsin in the run-up to COVID-19.

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Wisconsin school referendum results rise above economy, politics

Despite the highest unemployment rate on record this year and hundreds of school buildings empty since March, Wisconsin voters approved school referendums this month at near-record rates. The results speak particularly loudly given that they happened in a high-turnout election and in communities carried by both presidential candidates.

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In 2021 city budget, Madison finds stability amid pandemic’s tumult

Despite the turmoil of a global pandemic, the city of Madison’s proposed budget maintains core services in 2021 with the smallest property tax increase in nearly two decades — a feat accomplished in part through one-time measures that could narrow options for future budgets.

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In Jefferson County, a look at how service sharing might help communities

As many local officials across Wisconsin face tight 2021 budgets in the wake of COVID-19, consolidation or enhanced service sharing with neighboring municipalities may offer an opportunity to spread the cost of certain services across multiple jurisdictions, while increasing efficiency and improving service levels in the long term.

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