A record year for referenda
In the last decade, school referenda have become a fixture on ballots around Wisconsin.
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In the last decade, school referenda have become a fixture on ballots around Wisconsin.
The proposed 2023 city of Madison budget offers mostly good news for city services, with few cuts and a range of new offerings.
Federal pandemic relief funds give a temporary reprieve to a mounting array of fiscal woes for the city of Milwaukee, helping it avert large-scale service reductions in Mayor Cavalier Johnson’s proposal for the 2023 budget.
Amid the pandemic and resulting recession, Wisconsin’s tax burden — or its state and local tax collections as a share of personal income in the state — fell in 2020 to its lowest level in at least a generation.
Wisconsin room tax collections rebounded in 2021, as did leisure travel, from the pandemic plunge of a year earlier.
Total property values in Wisconsin grew by a record 13.8% in 2022, marking the largest increase in decades of data.
Hybrid and electric vehicle registrations continued their recent rapid increases throughout Wisconsin in 2021.
City of Milwaukee finances are closer than ever to a long-predicted day of reckoning, threatened by an unsustainable revenue mix, shrinking resources for core functions, diminishing reserves, and escalating long-term liabilities.
Seven municipalities on Milwaukee County’s North Shore could realize savings and potentially improve the quality of law enforcement services by consolidating their police departments into a single one to serve the region.
The cost calculus has changed for the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District (MMSD) when it considers whether to continue outsourcing its wastewater treatment operations.