Chris Hardie

Procrastinator prepares just in time

I will fully admit that I am a procrastinator – if you ask me tomorrow. I agree with Mark Twain who said: “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”

Attacked by a tree terrorist

A lot of time and money has been spent in our country coming up with increased security and contingency plans for the possibility of a terrorist or cyber-attack on our electrical grid.

Turn thankfulness into gratitude

Thanksgiving has come and gone but perhaps this can be the year that we turn a day of thankfulness into a holiday season of gratitude.

Learning lessons from hunting

Life is measured by the passage of time and the season of deer hunting gives me plenty of moments to reflect on past memories.

Remembering the poor farm

It was a quiet afternoon with gray skies that threatened rain when I stepped into the Jackson County Poor Farm Cemetery.

Ladies and gentlemen…the beetles

It’s as certain as the trees changing colors and the inevitable decline towards winter – the annual invasion of the Asian lady beetles.

Seasons are just a guideline

I learned a long time ago that we don’t live in a black-and-white world and the choices between right and wrong or good and evil are often veiled in shades of gray – no matter what the political ads say.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association