The wild feline Christmas party of 1973
It’s the Christmas season — a time for family, gifts and sentimental trips down memory lane. One that stands out for me includes two wild cats.
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It’s the Christmas season — a time for family, gifts and sentimental trips down memory lane. One that stands out for me includes two wild cats.
The original part of our farmhouse is full of memories. One of my earliest memories dates to the middle-1960s when we were visiting on butchering day.
Recently I was put on hold for such a long time it felt like I was going to be on the line till the cows came home. Come to think of it, they did.
Deer hunting is my opportunity to unplug — if only for a few hours — from the hectic pace of life. It’s a time of peace and reflection.
All of this early and extended appearance by winter is putting even more pressure to build the woodpile for what’s shaping up to be a very long and extended heating season.
Good luck and safe hunting to everyone in the woods this year. I’ll never forget the time, during my third hunting season, when I got my first buck.
It’s harvest season; large combines are making short work of picking, husking and shelling millions of acres of this year’s corn crop. But before combines arrived in the 1950s most of the crop was stored as cob corn in a corn crib.
Clearly the survival of dairy farms is in crisis. Are we better off with more mega-dairies and fewer smaller farms? It depends who you ask.
Do you believe in ghosts? It’s easy to be skeptical in the daylight. But when darkness falls, it’s an entirely different story.
Weather in Wisconsin has been unpredictable this year, and unusually wet. Recent snow flurries reminded of just how long and strange the trip has been.