Chris Hardie

Cold-weather memories fact checked

Recently, I wrote a column remembering a bitterly-cold Sunday morning “some 45 years ago.” A curious reader helped me fact check my cold weather dates.


Cold shoulder to cheap thermometer

A recent thermometer purchase by Chris Hardie proved “you get what you pay for” when he found it only goes down to 0 degrees, hardly practical in Wisconsin.

dairy barn, milking

Memories of winter morning milking

Milking cows is important, but tedious work. On cold winter mornings, Chris Hardie often thinks back to those days in the Hardie dairy barn.

chris hardie, farm, walk

A walk of discovery and reflection

I will never tire of the incredible beauty and diversity of our farm. I love to walk the property with no purpose other than to clear my mind and escape.


The confusion of calendars

Contrary to popular belief, you will need to wait another year before the third decade of the 21st century begins. Aren’t calendars fun?

Wisconsin Newspaper Association