Turkeys flock to Hardies to find food
Living in the country means glimpses of wildlife are an everyday occurrence. Lately, we’ve had a flock of wild turkeys hanging around our yard and next door at my mother’s house.
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Living in the country means glimpses of wildlife are an everyday occurrence. Lately, we’ve had a flock of wild turkeys hanging around our yard and next door at my mother’s house.
The Westby tournament is one of the last vestiges of what once was a series of ski jumps that ran from Prairie du Chien to Cameron, cutting a swathe through the heart of Norwegian settlements in western Wisconsin.
The 11 miles of railroad between Ettrick and Blair is long gone, but the story remains of “the little town that could.”
He was more embarrassed than injured, but icy steps led to a fall for Chris Hardie on a recent early morning walk with the family dog.
I keep hearing the dreaded polar vortex that brought -40 degrees and even worse to our neck of the woods two years ago may be back. Soon. Assuredly. It’s coming. Sometime. Maybe
Burns Night, a Scottish tradition celebrating the life and poetry of Robert Burns, is an evening of music with bagpipes, singing, dancing, poetry, Scottish food, and, of course, whisky.
One benefit of aging is developing a sense of perspective, realizing life is a compilation of moments. It’s the beauty of moments we remember forever.
Lately I’ve had a difficult time hearing, and I’m not referring to selective hearing, the condition that occurs in many marriages.
My resolutions for 2021 are a reflection of the turbulent reality of 2020, with the perspective of the challenge ahead. I want to be a better husband, a better father and a better person.
There’s always been a strong connection between Christmas and farm animals, thanks to the depictions of the Christ child surrounded by cattle, sheep and donkeys.