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Members asked to help protect public notice in newspapers

The Wisconsin legislature is currently considering a bill that would give local governments the option to stop publishing a summary of their actions in local newspapers. Senate Bill 55 would allow local municipalities to post meeting minutes on their websites instead.

Removing existing publication requirements would remove important, third-party oversight of government, as well as create holes in this invaluable statewide database while also neglecting the needs of those who lack adequate computer and internet access. The WNA is asking all members to help defeat this bad public policy that undermines government transparency by:

Larry Gallup, Your Right to Know, open records

Your Right to Know: Officials’ behavior on masks is reckless and illegal

No one in Wisconsin should have to put their lives at risk to attend a public meeting, Larry Gallup writes in the latest "Your Right to Know" column.

Yet to this day, Republican leaders in the Wisconsin state Assembly are holding meetings without requiring attendees to wear masks or offering a video option for those who don’t feel safe attending.

WNA logo, annual meeting

WNA annual meeting to be held virtually Feb. 25

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the Wisconsin Newspaper Association will hold its 2021 annual meeting virtually on Thursday, Feb. 25, via Zoom.

Traditionally held during the WNA Convention, the annual meeting includes approval of the association board's slate of officers for the upcoming year. Changes to the existing by-laws also will be proposed to reduce the number of executive officers on the WNA board. Additional details, including an agenda and instructions on how to join the meeting, will be sent out prior to Feb. 25.

Newspaper Association Managers launches nationwide public notice website

Newspaper Association Managers, Inc., a consortium of North American trade associations representing the industry, has launched a website aimed at promoting legal notices in newspapers.

The website,, provides direct access to 47 public notice websites from across the country, each of which is operated by state newspaper associations. The site allows the public to more easily access legal notices nationwide, including foreclosures, public hearings, financial reports, ordinances and resolutions, and other important government proceedings.

iswne, golden quill

ISWNE seeking entries for Golden Quill contest

The International Society of Weekly Newspaper Editors is seeking entries for its annual Golden Quill contest, which recognizes excellence in editorial and opinion writing.

The contest is open to all newspapers that publish fewer than five days per week, including non-ISWNE members and students.

olivia herken

Your Right to Know: Remote meeting access not ideal

While livestreaming meetings has become the norm during the COVID-19 pandemic, public officials need to do a better job of making sure no one — and no meeting — slips through the technological cracks.

In the most recent installment of the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council’s Your Right to Know column, La Crosse Tribune reporter Olivia Herken offers local lawmakers some suggestions.

Jim O'Rourke

O’Rourke Media Group buys RiverTown newspapers

The Chicago-based O’Rourke Media Group has purchased RiverTown Multimedia from Forum Communications.

RiverTown publishes two newspapers, the Republican Eagle in Red Wing, Minn., and the (Hudson) Star-Observer. RiverTown previously published eight newspapers — four in Minnesota and four in Wisconsin — before merging several publications in 2019 and closing two newspapers this year in part due to the pandemic. The sale was effective Jan. 1.

Join us for the 2021 WNA Convention

The WNA is joining with the Iowa and Minnesota newspaper associations to hold a virtual Tri-State Convention on Feb. 4-5, 2021.

Be sure to check out new, exciting changes to the program line-up, information about speakers and innovative networking opportunities this year! Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to expand your skills and meet other newspaper industry leaders.

wisconsin relevance project

10 things you need to know about the Wisconsin Relevance Project

The Wisconsin Relevance Project is part of a wider effort by Newspaper Association Managers aimed at uniting state and provincial press associations to speed the resurgence of community newspapers in North America.

Among the project’s benefits, it provides insights, advice, best practices, trends and other items of vital interest to community newspapers.

Wisconsin Newspaper Association