Observing the rhythms of nature
The rhythms of nature may change their tune slightly every year based on the weather, but the songs remain the same.
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The rhythms of nature may change their tune slightly every year based on the weather, but the songs remain the same.
Federal pandemic relief funds give a temporary reprieve to a mounting array of fiscal woes for the city of Milwaukee, helping it avert large-scale service reductions in Mayor Cavalier Johnson’s proposal for the 2023 budget.
How much does it cost to copy one piece of paper? Many records custodians in Wisconsin charge 25 cents — a price that likely goes back to 2018 guidance from the attorney general that anything in excess of 25 cents may be suspect. But state law says custodians can only charge the “actual, necessary and direct cost of reproduction.”
In the most recent installment of the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council's Your Right to Know column, council member Tom Kamenick, provides an overview of the law surrounding the cost of hard-copy public records and encourages requesters to push back the next time a custodian tries to charge them 25 cents per copy.
The ‘parental rights’ movement is upending school board races, leading to book banning — and a growing sense of dread among the small number of children who are gay or transgender
It was a quiet afternoon with gray skies that threatened rain when I stepped into the Jackson County Poor Farm Cemetery.
Amid the pandemic and resulting recession, Wisconsin’s tax burden — or its state and local tax collections as a share of personal income in the state — fell in 2020 to its lowest level in at least a generation.
With early voting underway and Election Day nearing, national surrogates are flooding into Wisconsin to drive turnout for nationally important governor and U.S. Senate races.
Answers to questions about baby formula access, particularly for those enrolled in Wisconsin’s Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) program
It’s as certain as the trees changing colors and the inevitable decline towards winter – the annual invasion of the Asian lady beetles.
Few will argue that the most important time to have a will is when you are parents of young children.