Viewing nature in backyard
I am blessed to live in the country where the solitude of the woods and the wonders of nature and animal life are literally just feet from my doorstep.
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I am blessed to live in the country where the solitude of the woods and the wonders of nature and animal life are literally just feet from my doorstep.
There's plenty of room for Wisconsin officials to be more transparent in 2023, writes Christa Westerberg, attorney and vice president of the Wisconsin Freedom of Information Council in its most recent "Your Right to Know" column.
In the column — available for republication, Westerberg gives three specific suggestions for improving government transparency.
One might be tempted to quip something like “Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” but trust me, I have never been on that pedestal.
Metro Milwaukee’s concentration of workers employed in STEM occupations is a competitive strength, but it lags peer metros on other metrics including productivity, household income, exports, and venture capital funding.
For decades, programs that offer public dollars to businesses as incentives to create jobs have played a prominent role in state and local economic development strategies.
The upcoming legislative session in Madison will feature changes on the committee front including new faces on the budget-making Joint Finance Committee, a revamped committee structure and new leaders for key audit and election panels.
I will fully admit that I am a procrastinator – if you ask me tomorrow. I agree with Mark Twain who said: “Never put off till tomorrow what may be done day after tomorrow just as well.”
Despite measures in the current state budget to lower property tax levies for K-12 schools, those levies are rising modestly yet again on December bills – clear evidence of the impact of school district referenda approved by voters.
The breadth of Democrat Gov. Tony Evers’ reelection victory is gaining recognition.
People often believe that having a will alone avoids probate after death. This is simply not true.